How you can get involved….


Join the community!

Join us

It’s really quick and easy. How involved you get is up to you. If you’re not sure whether it’s for you, have a look at What is an RSE?

Raise awareness

You can raise our objectives at your local developers or hackers group, and if you don’t have a local group, you can set up a local RSE Community for your organisation. Local groups get together to share knowledge and expertise, and they are a useful way of gaining recognition from your organisation. Contact us for more details about setting up a local group.

Give talks, run events

You can help us to organise events such as our annual conference, or run your own workshops to get Research Software Engineers together for discussion, collaboration or training.

We need people to talk about their work and the RSE concept whenever the opportunity arises and to publicise interesting talks and events to the Research Software Engineers Community. If you have given a talk or raised RSE issues at an event, please let us know via this very short form.

Help us organise

You can stand for election to join the Research Software Engineers Committee. Elections are held in September – watch out for announcements on the mailing list.

Partner organisations, campaigners and industry

If your organisation benefits from Research Software Engineers, we need your help. We need partners who are willing to raise awareness about the Research Software Engineer role with all sections of the research community. We also need help, resources and funds to run workshops and other events. Please contact us to find out more.

You can help by joining us, by raising awareness of research software engineering, and by attending and organising events.

Research Software Engineer Leaders (RSELs)

There is a special interest group for RSE leaders within UK RSE. It is for anyone involved in leadership of RSEs (managing a group, attempting to set up a group, coordinating a local network, leading a multi-developer research software project). Membership is open to anyone meeting those criteria and is not limited to one person per organisation. The leaders’ group provides a forum to share information, discuss issues with others in similar roles, and establish collaborations. We use an email list and Slack team as well as meeting in person twice a year with members taking turns to chair.  If you’d like more information about the leaders group or would like to join the group, please email c (dot)