Travel bursaries

Eight travel bursaries of up to £250 have been made available to support selected attendees of RSE2019. The bursaries can be used to cover:

  • Cost of travel to/from Birmingham;
  • Accommodation costs;
  • reasonable subsistence costs.

Note that travel bursaries cannot be used to pay the conference registration fee.

The bursaries are available to:

  • Early career RSEs/researchers (within the first five years in a RSE or RSE-like role following completion of your education);
  • Students with an interest in RSE-related topics;
  • RSEs/researchers/students who work outside the UK.

To qualify for a bursary you must:

  • Fall within one of the above categories;
  • Be unable to attend without the bursary.

Travel bursaries will be awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Widening participation – we wish to ensure that RSE2019 has a diverse range of attendees from across different backgrounds, skill levels, career backgrounds etc. We will therefore prioritise travel bursaries for applicants that come from under-represented backgrounds and who find it difficult or challenging to access travel money (e.g. because they don’t have access to research funding).
  • Encouraging interaction – we would like attendees of RSE2019 to share knowledge and expertise, e.g. via active participation in workshops, enthusiastic engagement with tutorials, by presenting excellent talks and posters and by fully networking and engaging with other attendees, with UKRSE and sponsors.

Travel bursaries will be paid retrospectively after the conference, after receipt of a correctly completed expense claim form including original receipts, and confirmation that you attended the conference.

More information, including terms and conditions on claiming back money