BEAR Software is a range of services provided to researchers, and research groups, with the aim of improving the research software written and used by the researchers. BEAR Software’s mission is summed up in the words of the Software Sustainability Institute:

better software, better research

About BEAR Software

BEAR Software is provided by Research Software Engineers (RSEs) from the Research Software Group within the Advanced Research Computing Team of IT Services. It comprises several services which are available to all researchers in the University, free of charge.

Andrew Edmondson (Ed)

Research Software Group Leader

edEd started his career as a software engineer and team leader at QinetiQ, after completing an MMath at the University of Oxford. He left QinetiQ to complete a BA in Theology at Birmingham Christian College and is now nearing the end of a part-time PhD in New Testament Textual Criticism at the University of Birmingham. His PhD is an analysis of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (a computer-aided method from the Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung in Münster designed to handle complete sets of textual evidence and to identify their initial text and textual history) using Phylogenetics. Ed is also the Programme Chair of the 2019 UK RSE Conference.